Sunday, October 26, 2014

Review: Manitoba Harvests' Hemp Hearts

I started exercising and eating clean as soon as my doctor gave me the green light. I was extremely ready to get back to my routine and get my body back. My plan was to increase my protein as I had done in the past. One difference was that now I was nursing my son.

In the past, I would normally add a whey or soy protein powder to my smoothies, but after research I found that I shouldn't supplement with either of those and that I should use a more natural source.

I eventually forgot about it and just added extra protein to my diet by eating more egg whites for breakfast and snack.

A few months later and after becoming a Sweat Pink Ambassador, I saw the opportunity to review Manitoba's Harvests' Hemp Hearts. I discovered this was safe while nursing. This was perfect as I am still nursing and still happen to be looking for a more natural protein source.  It's hemp seeds...a naturally high source of protein. 

As soon as I posted that I received this on my Instagram account, I received great feedback, so I knew it must be good.

I chose to try the hemp seeds in my smoothies. It was my intention to take more photos, but time and life took that away. Nonetheless, I did enjoy my smoothie as normal. 

I will admit the Hemp heeds looked funny, so I became skeptical of the taste, but I was so wrong. If you aren't a fan of overpowering tastes, you will love this. I don't know if it's because of the recipes that I chose, but I could hardly taste the hemp seeds. That's okay with me. As long as I am getting the nutrition I want from it.

I visited Whole Foods Market last week for other items, and happened to see Manitoba's Hemp Hearts Seeds on the end-cap (I used to work in retail, lol). I plan to use the rest of the seeds in my oatmeal in the morning, but I am glad I already know where they can be repurchased. 

*Manitoba Harvest sent me this package to review as part of my Sweat Pink Ambassadorship. This post is my true opinion.*

Do you add extra protein to your smoothies? Would you be interested in an Instagram giveaway?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Frugal Clean Eating: Meal Planning

Hope you haven't had to wait too long, but here's the second post in my new Frugal Clean Eating series or the step-by-step on what I do when it's time to go grocery shopping. Here's the first.

1. I look in the fridge and see what basic items need to be replaced. I can't stand going to the grocery store guessing at what we're out of. I usually don't get it because I guessed wrong and have to go back to the store.

2. I ask the hubs what he wants for dinner and his lunches. Usually his answer is "it doesn't matter". If I can't figure out what I want. I go Pinterest and scroll down my Eat to Live board for ideas. I forgot to mention I really don't like to cook. I cook because we have to eat. So I try to find SIMPLE and quick recipes that don't take hours. I just don't have time.

3. I create a meal list and mark off what I already have. I try to choose recipes based on items I already have when I can.

4. I create my grocery list by day and by meal. It's the best way I've found to stay organized.

This week's menu (Thursday through next Thursday)...

5. #5 is important. I try NOT to forget my list at home. It's happened.

6. The main reason why I am able to shop and save, I shop at Aldi's. Aldi's sells majority off brands, but still has name brands. But it's still quality items. They are able to offer their items at cheaper prices because they've cut costs in other areas. Most of the time I find everything I need. But in the event I don't, then I'll go to a place like Kroger's or Walmart, if I have to. For example, they don't sell baby formula, but they do sell Pampers brand diapers.

Stay tuned for the next grocery haul and total spent post.

Where do you food shop?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gone fishin'

Sorry to those who care that I've been m.i.a for a few weeks. From out of town trips, weddings, and other family gatherings, my son starting to walk, life has been crazy around here. I was supposed to post my second post in the Frugal Clean Eating series, but honestly I haven't gone grocery shopping. On top of that have not even worked out in over 2 weeks and have experienced a little trouble with my blog if you notice a lack of pics in my older posts. (I'll update my half marathon training status later in the week.)

Yesterday I was finally tired of NOT working out and was starting to feel that "I'm fat" feeling. You know that feeling in your stomach like it's a bottomless pit and look down to see that your stomach is hanging over your pants? Yea, that feeling. Around here, some things have to be sacrificed in order to do what I want. So yesterdays sacrifice was an early bedtime in order to get my workout in.

This tee definitely motivated me yesterday!
I was off for Columbus Day so I thought what better day to "start over". Side note: I miss being a SAHM. I got dressed, prepped the boy, and we were off to the gym for my favorite class, Body Works Plus Abs. 

There was a new instructor. She was pretty good and had us do sort of a circuit training style workout. I did waaaay better than I thought I would've. Especially on the arm exercises. Another side note: If you walked into a gym class and saw the instructor and noticed she doesn't "look" fit and may be on the overweight side, would you be able to take her serious? Just curious.

I'd plan to run on the "dread mill" afterwards, but was paged to get my son who had a surprise package for me to change. My gym doesn't change diapers. So yeah...

The next thing on my get back on track agenda is to finish meal planning and actually go to the grocery store this Thursday. I have a very informative post planned to show you how I will stick to my budget for the week so please stay tuned.

Do you take breaks in your fitness and healthy living journey? Do you ever get bored or burned out?