Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting back on track...again!

"Day 1 of me starting back counting calories. I have realized, I've gained 20lbs since last Summer. No bueno. My work pants were snug. I refuse to go up another size again, unless I get pregnant. So, I'm going to start things out right and try this turkey burger from my The Gracious Pantry blog. "

And, that was the beginning of the 250,679th Day 1 post of "getting back on track". I've just decided to go with the flow. When I don't think about working out and eating right as such a chore and a calculated event, I have much more fun.

When I started back working after a 3-yr break, it was very tough to be consistent. I am proud to say I've worked out 3-5 days a week for the past 5 weeks. I love to work out a night after work, too. It's like the best stress reliever and I fall asleep so easy. I've even decided to start training for next half marathon early by building a 10-mile base.

Ahh, so yes, that's a little of what's been up with me lately...and I do mean a little. So much going on.


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