Monday, August 4, 2014

A New Chapter: No Longer a SAHM

Well, although it hasn't been that long since my last post, so much has changed within the last 9 days.  I started a full-time teaching job, which means my son is now attending daycare full-time. All of that before the weekend we spent out of town, which means I fell off of Week 2 of the 4 Week Shape Up Plan easily. And to top it off, last week was stressful in it self because of a few unexpected things and to top it off, today is day 1 of my half marathon training. Everyone's excited except me. Everyone meaning my husband; probably because this is his first.

I'll back up. On the last post I was headed out of town to visit the in-laws and had packed all of these healthy treats. I did great eating-wise for the most part while out of town until the following Friday. Eating bad, plus no previous good workouts equals no bueno. All I did last week was 4-miles of speed training on the treadmill and a sorry attempt (in my opinion) at a leg and shoulder workout.

So here it is Day 1 of my 12-week half marathon training plan and I'm not very motivated because I feel like crap physically. I wanted to spend time between now and my last race building strength, but I fell off in the last week and a half. It doesn't sound that bad as I type this out, but I was on a roll for a minute to let one week stop me sucks.

When I tell you I went IN with the eating yesterday in honor of it being my "last" day to go overboard on indulgences, I went IN. I'm talking Krispy Kreme DoughnutS after church, oatmeal cookies at home, juice, and one of my favorite fried chicken spots...POPEYES. I feel so sluggish because of it, too.

Fortunately the hubs and I reactivated our mighty team work powers (lol) and planned our week out. He cooked the meals and I prepped me and the baby's clothes for the week. The only thing we may have to fix is our breakfasts and that will most likely be overnight oats.

Planning will definitely be KEY! 

The past few days and upcoming weeks are filled with major 'firsts'. My first time being a full-time working mom and first time training for a half marathon as a mom. 

My training plan only calls for 2 runs and 2 cross-training days during the week. I think this is doable. There are a few trails between my home and work so I've already started planning. I get off work kind of early, so I'll have to determine if the weather is too hot for my son to tag a long with me.

For my long runs, I have my husband, a friend, and we all have a few running groups we can join on Saturday mornings for extra motivation. Honestly, I do not want to run with a stroller unless I have to. So I'll be summoning my wonderful family members to babysit for long run days once I get up to 6 miles, maybe?

My dinner tonight was this smoothie. Let me tell you. I sat in the sauna this evening after my body works class and I started to feel the donuts were re-cooking in my stomach. Bleh! I couldn't eat anything solid if I tried. This will suffice. I'm hoping for a good first week. This journey will be interesting.

Do you have any fall fitness goals? How do you fit family and training for a major race in?