This past weekend we went to visit family in Northern Mississippi. It was the trip to my husband's hometown we needed. We hadn't visited since Christmas. Well, we tried to visit before Mother's Day, but I was the driver and um... we might've had a little accident that would be the root of many dollars being spent on my little Jeep that we're still paying for. All because I ran over a large piece of tire from an 18 wheeler. *eye roll*
Anyway, my son loves being in the country. He got to see the horse his dad grew up with and just run around and be free on the property. He blends in quite well, lol. I'm from a different kind of country.
In the 11 years I've been going to visit, I've always skipped my workouts. I made the excuse of not wanting to drive a country mile to go workout and I certainly don't want to run down the road his parents home is on. I'm not trying to be chased by who knows what. I had the bright idea (what took me so long, I have no idea), to take me to the nearby HBCU (historically Black college & university) so I could run around campus or on their track. I'm attempting to keep some type of training schedule for this upcoming 10k. I ended up run/walking 4 miles around the track. I ran the straight parts and walked the curved. Loop after loop after loop and 4 miles were finally complete.
Although I exercised 1 out of the 3 full days we were there, I didn't eat well AT. ALL. On the drive there and back I ate McDonald's (which I never really even eat at home). For breakfast my MIL cooked biscuits, pork bacon, pork sausage, and eggs all three mornings. Friday night we joined other family who were also in town at the Cheesecake Factory in Memphis. I couldn't go to the Cheesecake Factory and not get a slice of cheesecake. Poor me. I ordered the Oreo Dream Extreme Cheesecake or something like that. It was 1500 calories or so alone! My entrée was the turkey burger and sweet potato fries. So yeah, that was an over 3000 calorie meal. Saturday we had Corky's BBQ and the family hosted a fish fry. It's all good, I didn't beat myself up. I had a good time.

While we were there, we got a chance to visit the Memphis Zoo. I LOVED this zoo! I mean I only have one other zoo to compare it to, Atlanta Zoo, but it really put "ours" to shame. I'm sorry. I hardly say something in another city is better than my own, but yeah. Visiting this zoo made me want to see others. Being me, I couldn't help but feel kind of bad about enjoying animals in captivity, but I found out all of the animals there were endangered species, so that made me feel little better, lol. I felt like the zoo was saving them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an up close and personal nature girl, but I do think about these types of issues. I counted this zoo trip as an active rest day. We walked a lot.
This morning (Monday) my stomach felt like it was paying the price for all of the garbage I ate. Per usual when I eat too much crap. It's like my body is trying to reject it because I've been eating a certain way (mostly clean) for so long. I knew it was time to hit the Reset button, for sure.
I didn't have much of an appetite today. I grazed on some sweet potato mash I ordered at O'Charley's. We went there to celebrate Father's Day when we got back in town. I also ate the rest of my breaded chicken and broccoli. That was my breakfast and lunch.
I wasn't feeling motivated to work out yet. My NTC app had today scheduled as a rest day, but I knew I needed to do SOMETHING. I looked at one of my old before and after pictures from last December when I successfully started and finished my journey to lose weight I'd put on in grad school. I put the same shirt on and didn't see what I liked. Oh yeah, that worked. I was downstairs on my treadmill in a flash!
I decided to just start off by walking on an incline to see if that would make me feel like running while I watched an Instagram live video from a lady I follow, Lakeitha Duncan. After about a mile, I switched to run/walk intervals for 2 miles, and finished by running the last mile. It's crazy how when I got to 3 miles, I was finally in the mood to run and felt my speed coming back to me. I had a good pace for that last mile. I have to play so many mind games with myself when I'm on the treadmill...crazy.
Dinner was a simple salad with cucumber from my in laws garden and a tomato from my first patio garden with balsamic vinaigrette dressing. I'm feeling much better at the end of the night.