The FireFly Run Atlanta was my first night 5k (10/1/11) and it was so much fun! At first I was going to use this as a "fun run", but with a $35 registration cost, I quickly recanted that thought. I decided this was going to be the perfect race for me to earn a new personal best in the 5k. Not only had I done the route several times with my running group (before they made the route public), I loved that it was at night and we'd have glow-in-the-dark gadgets, etc. I love, love, love running in cooler temps. Matter of fact, that's how I started out.
The most exciting news is that I PR'ed! Yep, I'm finally apart of the sub-30 club, finishing at 29:10. I had a goal of finishing sub-29, so that 10 seconds is kind of annoying. I'm blaming that on the hill at the very end though.
In other news, I'm back down to 140lbs (my original -60lb weight goal and what I now consider my "race weight") I have two more races this month. One is another night race I'm doing for the camaraderie and in support of another up and coming runner. At the end of the month I'm doing a major race (at least for me), the Atlanta Marathon Relay. I'm very excited to be apart of a relay team, and not until last week did I think being apart of a marathon (besides volunteering) would be occurring so soon. But more details on that in a later post.
Here's a few pictures from my night race...(I vow to get better with remembering to take pics in the first place lol)
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