Monday, September 26, 2011

Race Week To Do's

It looks like I may have to halt my Nike 10k training for this week.  I have a 5k race on Saturday evening (my first night race) and I really, really want to PR. I'm going for sub-29.  My 10k training program scheduled me to do 5, 2, 4, and 6 mile runs this week.  Instead here's how this week will go for me:

Sunday - rest
Monday - 5 mile easy run
Tuesday - Insanity's Cardio Abs
Wednesday - 4 mile run
Thursday - 2 mile run, Insanity's resistance (or Jillian Michael's 30-day Shred)
Friday - rest
Saturday - *Race Day* - Firefly 5k (3.1) Run

I've tweeted about going to track workouts one day a week to work on my speed to improve my 5k time.  That has shaved seconds off of my time, but I think the type of speed training that has really worked better for me is Fartlek training.  Fartlek training is just casual speed work where you run fast and then at your normal pace for intervals.  I've been very consistent with running each week, but what I hadn't done was push myself out of my comfort zone. Why did it take so long? Because it is uncomfortable!  But, you can't expect different results by doing the same thing.  So far by doing this I've been able to conquer hills like no other and last week I ran at 9 minute and some second mile paces consistently.  No, 9, 10, 11 minute miles...all 9's.  I think I have a pretty good chance of at least beating my last time and finishing at sub-30 if not sub 29 anyways.  Wish me luck :)

I'll be trying to eat as clean as possible, significantly increase my water intake (I've been slacking), and get at least 8 hrs of sleep at least the 2 days before the race.

My last run before this morning's 5 mile easy run was another 5 miler on Saturday.  Although I rested on Sunday, I think me running that 5 miles on Saturday was the reason I felt a little something in my shins and below my knee.  I haven't felt pain in either places in a while.  I've read that's one of the signs you'll encounter when increasing your mileage.  Or maybe I shouldn't have run two long runs so close together?  After the second mile, my legs started to feel fine which led me to believe all I needed was a proper warm-up.  Through trial and error, I will eventually figure it out without injuring myself too badly.  I made sure not to forget to stretch and iced all areas I felt a little pain in afterwards.

How do you prepare the week of a race?

1 comment:

  1. your training schedule is Super awesome! I wish my android offered the Nike training app. I admire your dedication to your training. I am looking for a good program to follow. Good luck this week with your race.


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