Saturday, February 11, 2012

Race Recap: ATC Hearts & Soles 5K, My thoughts

According to my half mary training plan, I was supposed to do 5 miles today. I forgot I signed up for this race, so I did 2+ extra yesterday with Back on My Feet Atlanta and then the 3.1 mile race today. Here's some of my crazy thoughts before, during, and after this race that I almost skipped...for real.

"I do not feel like getting up for this race in the morning."
"I might skip it since I didn't pay for it."
"I should text ____ and tell her I don't feel like going."
"Man, I ain't signing up for anymore winter races. Bump that!"
"Alright, let me get up. When I get home, I'm going STRAIGHT back to bed!"

"I hate the start of a race...all bunched up and stuff....move."
"I hope no one trips and falls."
"I hope I don't trip and fall."
"Lord, please be with me."
"Wtf(feezy), they said this was supposed to be all flat!"
"C'mon tiff"
"Stop latching on to other runners, and speed it up...get out of your comfort zone."
"my playlist is sucking right now"
Not so great mixtape comes on, "oh, SKIP...canNOT listen to that!"
"Ugh, how much further."
"Almost over, yes."
"Oh well, I can't keep up with her"
"I invited _____ who ONLY lives 5 minutes away and that bum didn't even show up. Lazy self." lol

"28:12 clock time, maaaan...I could of done under 28, but oh well."
"Thank God!"
"Yay, I might of PR'ed!"

...and I did with an official time of 28:02. Not a huge improvement from my last 5k race in October (in my opinion). I really don't like out-and-back routes, but the race was free for ATC members and in a neighborhood I grew up in. I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to represent. I would of never imagined years ago that I would be running that street one day...ever.

My Splits! I'm really shocked at the first 2 miles, really!

10 miles on schedule tomorrow!


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