I don't know what's wrong with my mojo lately. I can go hard with my workouts one week and flop the next. Last week I was kickboxing, running, AND strength training. I can't even blame it on the heat lately, only on pure laziness. Well, I could also blame it on the fact that if I want to go for a SAFE run I can't just step outside of my home, I have to drive somewhere. There are no sidewalks. The suburbs, or at least where I live, is just not pedestrian friendly. That's probably the main culprit. I used to attend all the group runs around the city whenever I could, but now I just don't feel like driving and gas prices aren't helping (Maybe if I stop driving around town eating at all of the trending restaurants I could. HA!).
I lost most of my weight at the gym and doing home workouts, but that's not going to cut it for me anymore. My primary cardio is running, by choice. I'm not going for long distances over the summer, I'm supposed to be
going for speed. But um, how can I become faster without consistency? I probably wouldn't have ran today if it weren't for the hubs. I have not been eating my best and before today I hadn't worked out in 4 days. Matter of fact, I was surprised I pulled off an average pace under 10 min/mile after so long without doing anything. My motivation should be trying to lose this tummy, but I was in the store the other day and thought, "shoot, I'll just wear a one-piece". No, no, no, I'm going to Miami in January for the ING half marathon and I NEED to feel at least 95% comfortable with the belly budge by then. Miami just doesn't seem like the place to go to be self-conscious. Anyhoo, I'm trying to pysch myself up to get back in my groove. I want to start back with JM's 30-day shred and the Nike Training Club app. Now that I've put it out there for the "public" to see, maybe that'll make me get off my butt every week instead of every other week.
Before my 2-mile stress relief run |