Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I'm a Pro now!

...At least I think I'm a pro anyways. For some reason, I haven't grown 100% comfortable lifting weights on what I call the "big boy" side of the gym. I'm afraid of looking like I don't know what I'm doing. I don't, but still.

The other night my hubs finally agreed to join me at the gym after his former pro body builder friend invited him for a chest, arms, and abs workout.

At first I was nervous, but that feeling went away eventually. I don't work on strength training enough, but last nights TWO and a half hour training session kinda made up for it. Not really.

We worked all parts of the arm except the forearm I think....well, that's the part that doesn't hurt at the moment. Got in quick abs and a lil chest. Now I feel a little more comfortable lifting outside of a classroom session, but I still don't know about by myself yet. He gave us both good pointers on form. According to my training plan, I only have to do 2 strength training sessions a week. I'm going to stick with that for now. One day I'll be beast enough to go alone.


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