Disclaimer: You should do what feels right for YOUR body and what’s recommended by YOUR doctor.
Postpartum life can be really in depth (mentally, physically, and spiritually) for the sake of not rambling, this post is only about my journey maintaining my health and weight.
At 3 weeks, 4 days postpartum, I’m down 26 lbs from the 35 I gained without doing anything special. Once I do, it'll be tricky monitoring amount of food intake and exercise while breastfeeding because you don’t want anything to affect your milk supply. Breastfeeding also makes me even hungrier!
I watch what I eat as normal, I just care a little more since I’m not exactly in 'IDGAF what I eat' mode like I was my last 3 weeks of being pregnant. Nah, but really. I haven’t obviously been given the OK to workout yet at 3 weeks so I’m focusing on food more because that’s 80% of weight loss anyway.
I found this timeline for runners in one of my groups, which syncs with my plan to establish core strength before anything else. Even if I had been given the green light I would now follow this guide. That was more knowledge I didn’t have with my son's pregnancy...the need to strengthen my core before beginning running or anything else yet.
Back to the timeline I found online...
I’m doing weeks 2-4, which include squats, lunges, bridges, and walking. It’s boring but it's proving that my core is so weak. I tried a plank the other day and could barely last to the count of 10.
Here’s a few pics from the two days I’ve done so far.
This journey is going to be more mental this go 'round. My life is jam packed with LIFE events so I’m really going to have to be mentally tough and strategic in order to make sure I get my ME-time in. I cannot stress enough the importance of taking care of yourself before you can take care of others. It just goes hand in hand. Motherhood ain’t no easy feat, and I wanna be sane sooooo, my husband knows I need to workout, lol.
For that extra push and accountability, I’m going to be doing the Fall H.E.A.T challenge. It begins 10/21. I’m the type that has to have a plan. And although I’m back in my pre-preggo clothes, I know what weight I feel the most comfortable at. After these last 10lbs, I’ll have more work. I’m trying to be a “hot girl” by spring, lmao.
Not sure how often I will blog, per usual, but I wanted to make sure I documented this period some kind of way so I’d have something to look back on for myself. 
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