Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fitness Gadgets in Review

**3rd post since January 2013's post**

Being a fitness junkie and a technology lover, I do love my fitness gadgets.

I was fortunate to get a computer with the Internet (Any old AOL 4.0 users out there?) in middle school, went to undergrad for it, & use it everyday.  One of my loves is technology.  So naturally, I'm into fitness gadgets.  Here's a scroll down memory lane from when I first started my weight loss journey 'til now.

1. Pedometer

I diligently attempted 10,000 steps (that's what they say is recommended daily) as goal. I really don't remember reaching 10,000 steps, at least using that.  I always forgot to put the thing on and it wasn't really a discreet way to hang on your pants without it being a  "fashion faux paux" So moving on...

2. Heart rate monitor

I used this heart rate monitor until it literally stopped working. Well, it was cheap anyways. I got it for like $10 at Wal Mart, but still. I counted calories to lose weight for the most part, so this thing really, really helped me. I liked to track my progress numerically. And it's pink for breast cancer awareness.

3. Nike+ app

This was my favorite app on my iPhone at the time. Once I completed the Couch to 5k app, I can say I really, really became anal serious about tracking my runs. I didn't know what the heck a running pace and splits were until I saw them on this app. I didn't even think about that type of stuff while I was learning to run a 5k period with C25K. I just knew I wanted to run a 5k in 30 minutes because that's what the app said. So once I started using this app and running with the "fast girls" in BGR, that's when I gave attention to improving my running statistically. And, so the number obsession began ... smh.

4. Nike+ GPS watch

So of course naturally, I thought I was a real pro after this (I was tho ;-)) and I grew tired of fidgeting with the app, the bulky phone case, so I got the GPS watch.I decided on it based on the ease of use, the price, and I liked that I could interchange between the app and GPS watch and it'd all be the same. Plus my iPhone battery sucked. During my first half marathon, my phone died around mile 10. :-( I set out to get this watch IMMEDIATELY. 

Oh, I almost forgot I owned the old school Garmin Forerunner 305. I might have used it...NEVER. That watch was way too bulky and I didn't like that I couldn't add the new miles I would track with that watch with my Nike app (see, I'm a numbers freak). It didn't take long to sell it over Craigslist for $20 more than I'd paid.. :-)

What's next? Well, I'm pretty content with my watch even a year later. It helped me run without all of this stuff attached to me, so I'm good with just that and my iPod. If anything, I'll get ear buds that won't fall out of my ear. On to the next...


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