Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sorta like a 2-a-day?

What were once quick and easy tasks are now long and I must get the timing right if I plan to be successful. Bellies must be full, naptime mustn't be near, and colorful objects must be attached to something. I'm simply referring to grocery shopping with a 6 month old. Getting out the house and back are much different these days. 

That tiring task almost set the tone for the rest of the day. 3.5 miles was the plan. I ended up walking over 2 miles with a friend and going to the gym later to run 3 on the treadmill and 5 min on the stair climber.

I almost skipped the 3 miles until I logged on Instagram and saw everyone's workout posts. I didn't want to be a slacker so I bathed the boy, gave him to his dad, and went to have "me" time.t 

Technically that was a two-a-day but for me, I don't feel like I've done anything if I walked most of the time. But I guess it's better than couch surfing.

I came home to finally try this spaghetti squash. I was iffy but I'll try almost anything once. This will most definitely be a staple! I'm so surprised I liked it. I mean it IS squash. I followed instructions found on Pinterest and I didn't use any seasonings. Ate it plain I guess. Now to get my husband to even put it on the tip of his tongue.



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