Thank goodness for new beginnings. Last week was kind of rough. Getting back on track has only been successful as far as completing all of the workouts I had planned for the week. It was rough because I didn't plan my meals and I ended up eating horribly for about 3 days.

It's usually the other way around. I would usually work out at minimum intensity, but eat well. I'm just trying to get back the same "oomph" I had when I first started this journey. to be clear, I want to lose my tummy and I realize that's way more about diet than it is exercise so to speak. Thankfully, I've already done my grocery shopping for the week and my workouts will be as followed:
Sunday - Rest
Monday - 4 mi run + upper body weight routine
Tuesday - Circuit Training
Wednesday - Circuit Training
Thursday - 3.5 mi run (with group)
Friday - Circuit Training
Saturday - 3.1 mi (Atlanta's Finest 5K Run/Walk)
As you can see I have a race at the end of the week. This will be my 3rd race ever and I'm going for PR so I really want my diet to be on point! There were hills I weren't prepared for in my first race and lots of logistical errors in my second race. I've been running routes with excruciating (at least to me) hills the past two weeks and I know for sure this race will be organized a lot better than the second.
**More Pictures to Come**
Motivate Me & I'll Motivate You!
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