I finally found a really good park in my area! It has everything, even a walking trail around the perimeter of the park. I decided to take Mr. AJ and his jogger out for my first day using the Couch to 10k app.
I decided on c10k to get ready for the Peachtree may also use the trainer that comes with the Nike+ app) because an interval program would help me endure treadmill running on days I cannot run outdoors. Then I figured it wouldn't hurt to use it for more motivation while running with the jogger either. Running with the jogger gives you an UPPER and lower workout I think. Annnnnnd, I do want a decent time, so there you have my top 3 reasons.
If you've looked around my blog you know that I used the Couch to 5k app when I first started running in 2011. I'll definitely be reviewing this app once I complete it. Also note that I started on Week 4, Day 1 since I'm not exactly a beginner.
This was my first time at this park so I opted for the track. I think one time around is 1/2 a mile. I could be wrong. So I did 4 miles of slow walk/run intervals. The app helped so much. Usually I'm constantly checking my distance. 4 miles of loops and loops period just sounds crazy.
Felt good not to have to wait for someone to get home or for someone to fall asleep before I could workout. I came home and made this salad and reheated a sweet potato I cooked the other night. I'll be back...for the loops and all. :-)
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