Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How do YOU simulate outdoor running indoors?

Hope your day is going well. This post is more of a poll or question post rather than a express-my-opinion-or-experience post. Okay? :-)

Much like many other runners, I'd rather run outdoors than suffer through treadmill running. My music and mentality have to be just right to get through and to not constantly look at the numbers on the screen. Now since I have a young child I can't just drive downtown and run with run buddies like I used to or sometimes I don't feel like running with the jogger. That being said, most of the time I drop my son off at the Kids Club and do my Monday through Friday running on the treadmill.

I've Googled and searched Runner's World, but haven't really found a good answer for the following question (if you have a good link, please do share):

How do YOU simulate outdoor running on the treadmill?

What I normally do is run on the hill setting at least at level 3 and just pray my next outdoor run doesn't feel like I hadn't run at all. I'm curious as to whether this is really effective or could I be doing something else to help. I do feel a little slower after doing this. So what can I do to maintain my pace while switching back and forth? What do you do? Please, please, pleeeeease share below.


Meanwhile, I had 3 miles scheduled for today. I dropped my son off as usual and 27 minutes later at mile 2.80 as you can see, the attendant called for me to get my son because he needed a diaper change. Siiiiiiigh #momlife


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