By no means is this post meant to throw anyone under the bus. I guess I should be thankful, but I nagged reminded the Hubs of how important it is for him to become physically active again for several obvious reasons. He was growing out of his clothes, he was extremely lethargic, etc. etc. Well, fast forward to 8 weeks later, yes EIGHT consistent weeks later, my husband is back to running consistently. Matter of fact he is up to a 10k and will be running the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th with me.
Why am I salty you ask?
Well due to circumstances that are too lengthy to mention, I was unable to run with my group this morning to practice the route or run period this morning. My plan was to finish all of my errands and run this evening when it cooled down, solo. Uh, yeah... after the morning I had with other folks kids, and several volunteer tasks, once I sat down on my couch around 5 this evening I knew my running shoes would not be moving from it's current spot.
I feel like such a slacker for skipping my long run today. I can do it tomorrow, but I know how I am. How likely am I going to willingly go run 6 miles solo, after church, after cooking dinner, after that Sunday afternoon nap, after meal planning for the week. Hmph. :-(
This would happen to be the only part of racing that I don't like. I don't like the feeling of being required to run a particular day. I like running just to run, not so much because I'm scheduled to. This feeling is what made me take a break from racing besides my last half marathon before I became pregnant. I just need to get it done. BUT, I know that in order to perform as well as I want, I need to stick to a training plan.
What do you do when you feel like a slave to your training plan when you just want to take a quick break? Have you ever trained someone to do something and they became better at it than you?
Because he may just be BATMAN.
ReplyDeleteI actually love a training plan because it motivates me to run. But there are days when I just don't feel like it and then I don't. I guess I am a little more flexible than I used to be when it comes to following a training plan.
ReplyDeleteIt's something about nearing the end of training when I want to start slack off, though.